Our New Metamorphosis Flyer!
Metamorphosis: Trash to Treasure is approaching faster than any of us at IYWP could have imagined! With the release of our official flyer, we are ready to continue spreading the word on this event, and we hope you aid us in this venture!

With the date of our reception approaching, it is important we inform as many people as possible in order to ensure a positive turnout so that we may continue doing this for coming years. We are incredibly grateful for this opportunity, and we hope that the It's Your World Project only continues to expand and serve our community. We believe this event is a major stepping stone for many great things to come in the near future, and we are excited for our plans after Metamorphosis. However, our main priority right now is delivering a fun, inspiring, and entertaining experience to everyone through this exhibition. any form of assistance is greatly appreciated, support us by sharing our flyer and spreading the word!